Saturday, March 31, 2012

Saturday Night

Partaaaaaaay until the sun comes up!!!! Just kidding.  Hubby and I went on a dinner date tonight.  Yes, Emily went too but she was very good and slept the entire time so we were able to enjoy our dinner.  She usually sleeps when we take her out at night anyway.  I think all babies love the loud chaos of noisy restaurants while they sleep. 

Mesmerized by her new toys

Sound asleep.  The gloves are back on because she scratched her face in her sleep last night and I haven't had the chance to cut her nails again

So, I've got a bone to pick with my body.  Right after I had Emily I developed allergies...or my body's idea of a cruel, cruel joke.  Runny nose and sneezing.  I noticed that the runny nose and sneezing happens when I'm feeding Emily and it isn't just an average runny nose either.  I'm trying to hold and feed Emily with one arm while blowing my nose with the other so that I don't drip snot all over my baby's face and ruin bonding time.  It's especially worse for middle of the night feedings and on occassion, I've almost blown my eyeballs out trying to contain my sneezes so I don't wake her while she's dozing off.  I say this is a cruel joke because I find it ironic that my nose starts to run whenever my baby needs to be fed.  Uhmmmm, WRONG body part brain!!!  Why is it that my nostrils start dripping when Emily is hungry and not my boobs??  I've NEVER had allergies until now.  I usually find humor in life's ironic situations but this is ridiculous. 

One of the highlights from this evening is a pleasant discovery during my beer run at the market (yes, momma needs a drink and maybe this time the beer will help with my supply).  My prayers have been answered!!  My favorite candy bar as ice cream!  I've never been so excited at a supermarket on a Saturday night at 10PM.  The twenty-something cashier did not share my enthusiasm. 

P.S.  Twenty-something cashier asked to see I.D. for the beer, THANK YOU!!!!!!

"Peek a boo"ing again for the 347th time :)

Thank you Ergo!!

I started sleeping like this right before and during the first few months of my pregnancy when I was still able to sleep on my back and now Emily sleeps the same way.  Hubby found it funny enough to capture the kodak moment.

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