Monday, March 5, 2012

Out and about and the wonderful "SHHHHHHHH"

We had our first family outing this past Friday.  We took Emily to meet friends for dinner at Korean BBQ.  I was a little hesitant at first because I didn't know how she was going to react to being out for so long.  She slept the entire time like a good baby and we were able to enjoy dinner.  Emily and her carseat smelled like Korean BBQ all of the next day, haha. 

Today we went out for a walk with the girls and I decided to attempt a trip to the market afterwards.  I didn't get a chance to go grocery shopping alone this weekend and the kitchen is starting to go bare again.  My mom cooks food for me when she comes once a week but it goes fast.  Emily was still asleep from the walk so I was able to get some groceries.  The car ride always soothes her so that's a big plus.

The carseat took up the entire cart so I was only able to get a few things
I recently discovered and ordered, "The Happiest Baby on the Block" by Dr. Harvey Karp.  He has a five S method.  I tried it this weekend and MAGIC!!  I've been doing a lot of SHHHHHHHing and it works wonders.  Get your chapstick ready though because it sure does dry your lips out!

Breastfeeding is getting much, much better.  Supply is still low but I can now comfortably breastfeed Emily for the first half of her feeding with the cradle hold.  I was doing the football hold before because of the pain from my c-section but my neck and back were constantly hurting from hunching over and trying to get her to latch properly.  I saw this cute and funny video on KellyMom and thought I'd share!  The baby has a stuffy nose and thinks it's the funniest thing when he breathes!  I hope I can keep up with the breastfeeding until Emily can enjoy it as well.

I bought the ERGO baby carrier this weekend.  It has great reviews and I tested it for a few hours this weekend and no complaints so far but I'm still so indecisive.  There are just TOO many choices for baby products out there!  I wish the ERGO also allowed Emily to face out so she can explore while I'm carrying her. 

I hate when my feet get hot too

Good Morning

Bath time with Daddy

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