Friday, March 23, 2012

2 Months

Emily is two months old tomorrow!  We've been hanging out alot at our favorite place to go: Nordstrom women's lounge, haha.  She's been sleeping better and better at night.  I try to entertain her as much as I can when she's awake but my efforts are sometimes met with tears and bored stares.  It's easier to tell what she doesn't like.  She hates red lights when we're out and protests the end of bath time.  She's VERY vocal.

I've been reading up about milestones and I'll try not to freak out if she doesn't start hitting them according to what the books and internet say.  All babies go at their own pace and I just need to be patient.  I remember my friends' babies would do something new and cute each time I saw them so naturally I am very anxious for Emily to start doing the cute things that melt my heart.  I must say though that as a new mom who is with her newborn everyday, waiting for a milestone to hit is like watching water boil.  I must be patient!!

I made a trip to Michaels (one of my favorite places ever!) to get cute accessories to make headbands for Emily.  I'm obsessed!  I can't wait to start having her wear them everyday!!

I'm currently reading, "Sippy Cups are Not for Chardonnay" and it's my favorite so far out of all the parenting books I've gotten.  It's funny and I like her style of writing.  I ordered another book of hers as well.  She has her own website and blogs for Babble which is a new website that I'm constantly browsing. 

Emily has her two month shots coming up this Monday and I'm nervous.  I'm expecting the worst and taking tissues for myself in case I get hysterical from watching my baby in pain. 

I feel like it's the beginning of the end of my breastfeeding journey.  Since she's sleeping longer at night and it's harder to pump during the day while she is awake, my low supply took another hit.  I'm now able to give her a full bottle of breastmilk about once a day or once every other day.  I've come to terms with the fact that I can't exclusively breast feed and I'm learning to let go of the guilt.  I told myself I'd try my best until three months and that's four weeks away.  In a final attempt, I purchased more supplements (More Milk Plus) and will see how it goes.  I might even hang in there until the very last drop.  I totally get it now when moms say they miss breastfeeding because of the special bonding time.  But don't get me wrong, bonding occurs during all feedings...breast or bottle.  I now know what to expect with baby #2 and will be better prepared and hopefully my supply will be better. 

Shopping for a baby is crazy overwhelming (for indecisive, bargain crazy me).  The author of Sippy Cups puts it best when she says there is always something new and something better to buy so it's never ending.  I think I might be showing signs of an Amazon addiction (sorry Hubby) because ordering stuff from my phone is just too easy and it feels like Christmas everytime I get a delivery, haha.

Having too much playing dress up with Emily and being paparazzi~

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