Friday, March 9, 2012

Yay it's Friday!

Now I love Fridays because Hubby is home most of the weekend and I'm not alone all day.  Emily has been cranky since 4AM this morning because of bad gas.  You'd think your little baby's farts would smell like heavenly roses but nope!  Take cover because her farts this morning were on another level.

Starting this week, Emily has been falling asleep better and sleeping longer at night.  It feels like she knows it's night time now and it sort of clicked.  She has been going to bed around 8-9:30PM and wakes up around 2:30-4AM for her middle of the night feeding.  She is sleeping through the 12-1AM feeding time. 

Our schedule these days:
6-8AM: Wake up
8AM: Playtime: Various activities.  She'll sit in her swing (which she loves) babbling and grunting while she stares at the mobile and her relfection or she'll gaze outside and look at the trees.  I hold her sitting up in my lap and she studies my face while following my gaze.  This is when I can get a smile out of her every now and then and I'm constantly trying to snap a good picture of it.  Talk about stalkerazzi mommy!  Sometimes she's fussy and wants to be held while she practices holding her head up and looks around.  And ofcourse, tummy time!
9AM: Feed (Breastfeeding and 4oz)
10AM: Playtime
11AM: Daddy puts her down for her mid morning nap before he goes to work.  This nap ranges anywhere from 20 minutes to 3 hours and I'll feed her if she wakes up hungry. 
2PM: Feed
3PM: Playtime
4PM: Nap (20 minutes to 1 hour)
5PM: Feed
6PM: Playtime
7PM: Bath (every other day) or a nap sometimes
8PM: Feed
8:30-9PM: Daddy comes home!  Bedtime
2:30-4AM: Feed and back to bed
6-8AM: Wake up and repeat

This schedule isn't set in stone and some days it's completely off but I try to stick to it as much as possible.  Somedays she is a good sleeper and her naps will be very long and somedays she is fussy all day which throws things off.  For the most part, it's pretty basic: Feed her when she's hungry, put her to sleep when she's sleepy.  I'm getting better at not trying to feed her every time she cries because then she overeats and it leads to cleaning up baby barf.  Oh, and somewhere in between all this I try to clean, wash her bottles, pump, eat, play with the dogs and pee. 

Yesterday I got sucked into watching video after video of laughing babies on YouTube.  It's so addicting!!  A baby's laughter is like music to my ears. 

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