Sunday, March 25, 2012

Rain, Rain Go Away

I usually love rainy days because it's the perfect time to stay in, get cozy, watch movies and eat take out pho.  Today, not so much since lately Sundays are my only day to go out, run errands and have some alone time.  Even though it was drizzling, I went grocery shopping.  Now that Emily goes to bed for the night around 7-7:30PM, I have enough time to cook dinner again.  I'm now making an effort to pack the boys lunch too (you're a lucky man, Hubby).  Yes, it's alot of work but take out costs too much and we need to eat healthier.  Did you know Trader Joes sells bibimbap, kimchee fried rice and pho in the frozen entree section?  I was so surprised that I was tempted to take pictures but I didn't want to be a weirdo taking pictures of food instead of buying it...

During my crazed internet search about how to boost milk supply I read about lactation cookies and although tempted at first, I decided it wouldn't be a good idea to try to bake my own while severely sleep deprived.  There are countless websites dedicated to these supposedly magical cookies and I pondered if it was really worth purchasing a dozen online for a whopping $29.99.  The prices desperate mothers are willing to pay!  Then I found a post on a mommy blog about Trader Joes vegan oatmeal cookies and how the ingredients were pretty similar.  It did nothing for my milk supply but now I'm hopelessly hooked on these damn cookies!  I wonder if Trader Joes has received complaints about random and spontaneous lactation from any customers (HAHA)?  Pregnancy really brought out my, almost non-existent, sweet tooth so I'm also in love with their dark chocolate covered bluberries.

I'm really starting to stress about losing my baby weight.  I know it's only been two months and I won't miraculously drop nine months' worth of weight overnight but I need to start somewhere.  This weight isn't going to disappear on its own so I need to make a REAL effort to eat better and exercise when I can.  I kind of regret giving in to every craving and eating like a beast during my pregnancy but what's done is done.  I LAUGHED OUT LOUD when Sippy Cups author wrote, "it's not a 'let's share a muffin' but a 'get your own muffin, bitch!' kind of hunger" about her cravings. 

I decided to title my pregnancy weight loss effort the, "black skinny jeans" project.  I'm obsessed with black skinny jeans/pants because they go with EVERYTHING.  You can put together an outfit for any occassion with this very important wardrobe piece.  SO, I'm determined to kick start the weight loss so I can rock a really great pair of black skinny jeans by the time Emily turns two (I'm being realistic).

My style & weight loss inspiration: Kate Middleton. I'm obsessed with her!! Her looks are so classic, I love it. My idea of a perfect outfit: Nice top, great fitting black skinny jeans and comfortable, stylish flats. Functional and classic. 

Emily and Daddy talking time
Emily slept great last night and even slept through her usual 6:00AM feeding for two extra hours of sweet snoozes.  She babbles and coos with Hubby a lot more than she does with me.  I did get her to smile and chuckle though while I sang her a lullaby before her bedtime today.  I hope the chuckle wasn't an indication that my lullaby was off key.

I hope this rain clears up by tomorrow morning for Emily's dreaded two month shots! 

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