Sunday, March 18, 2012


I'm anxiously waiting for the day Emily starts smiling on a regular basis.  She smiles here and there but most of the time they last a split second and seem accidental or gas related.  I can tell she's practicing her facial expressions and those big gummy grins are just waiting to surface.  She is starting to coo and babble more in response to us talking to her and she continues to study our faces with very intense baby concentration, hehe. 

This morning around 3AM (after seven straight hours of sleep) I was rocking her back to sleep when she started staring at the ceiling and chuckling for almost a full minute!  I believe her guardian angel or great grandparents were adoring her. 

She is really starting to get too tall for her pack and play bassinet where she currently sleeps.  She's outgrown all her teeny tiny onsies and now wears 3 months size outfits and jammies.  They're a little loose but she'll grow into them in no time! 

Ready for bed after a nice warm bath!

She may look like Daddy but she got Mommy's stink eye stare.....muhahahaha

Holy double chin batman! Please excuse my hair....Hubby didn't wake me for this precious shot

I could do this forever. Love. 

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