Monday, March 12, 2012

What About Me?

I started thinking this weekend  More specifically, what my purpose is.  I play many roles: wife, new mom, daughter, sister, friend and possibly more?  But what is my purpose and goal in life?  Why am I here?  The more I thought about it, the more I craved an answer.  I am so happy with my life and feel so blessed but I can't shake this nagging feeling that I need to find something I'm passionate about that satisfies me professionally.  I never had a specific answer when asked what I wanted to be when I grew up.  I wasn't 100% profession or career oriented while I sort of floated through high school and college.  I majored in psychology but really, what was I going to do with that?  I chose that as my major because I'm analytical and I wanted to learn why people are the way they are.  I wanted to learn why I was the way I was.

With Emily now in our lives I thought a lot about being a stay at home mom vs. a working mom.  Both have their pros and cons.  I want the best of both worlds.  Right now, I want to be with my daughter all the time AND I want a career and set a good example for my children.  Not just a job, but a career.  I've always had moments throughout my twenties questioning my job at the time and why I was so unhappy at times.  Now at thirty, I still question if my current job is what I want to do forever.  Am I really passionate about it?  I want to do something I LOVE and something I'm good at that pays me.  Doesn't everybody?  I've been making my own money since I was eighteen years old and the thought of not bringing home a paycheck makes me nervous as heck!  Will I feel less than my husband for not making a financial contribution to my family?  Will I feel guilty when I buy something for myself?  Will I ever have my dream job, whatever that may be?  Is my dream job to be a great stay at home mom?  So many questions and I guess I'll have to stay tuned to find out.

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