Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Week 7

I really don't know what we would've done without Dr. Karp's 5 S's and I don't remember how we used to get Emily to calm down and sleep when she was fussy.  My favorite lines from the book and great advice for new parents:

"Be Flexible: It's much better to bend than to snap."

"You just have to accept that some days you're the pigeon and some days you're the statue."

"Accept that the clock on your wall has temporarily been transformed from a time-management tool to a decoration."

My mom came over for her weekly visit yesterday and we took Emily out for lunch and went shopping afterwards.  We also stopped by the market and took the dogs out for a walk when we got home.  New moms who have help from their moms every day are SO LUCKY.  There's nothing in the world like a grandmother's love.  I look forward to Tuesdays every week.  While out, I did my first public bathroom diaper change and it wasn't as bad as I was dreading.  But then again, it was at Nordstrom which is the best and probably cleanest family restroom ever.  I will probably track down the nearest Nordstrom every time I am out with Emily from now on!

Emily's schedule is still somewhat unpredictable.  She has her sleepy days and her awake days.  On her sleepy days I try to get stuff done around the house and on her awake days, I feel defeated by the negligence of every day tasks.  But I'd much rather play with my daughter than do chores!!  How will life be with two kids??

I'm making an effort again to cook dinner every night.  I had to resort back to weekend grocery shopping which I used to avoid because of the crowd.  The Korean market on a Sunday afternoon is NOT pleasant with everyone and their moms trying to get their shopping done for the week as well.  There's nothing more aggravating than getting cart rammed by impatient Korean ladies who have no regard for personal space.  Dinner at the Han house is usually Korean food but now it's whatever is easiest and fastest to prepare so I bought a bunch of ready to serve frozen dinners from Ralphs for this week.  While in the freezer section, I picked up some Healthy Choice meals for myself in an effort to jumpstart my pregnancy weight loss plan.  But I have to wonder, how healthy of a choice is it when I have to eat two just to stop my stomach from growling?!  Pregnancy weight loss to be continued...

I follow HelloBee religiously.  I discovered her weddling blog during wedding planning and now she has a great site for parenting.  I really liked her post on meal planning and am considering implementing it at our house.  And how cute it this printable meal planner?  It will help me stay focused when I grocery shop since I'm trying to practice pinching our pennies.  I'm a reckless grocery shopper, especially when I go the market hungry.  Time to focus!!!

And now, this week in pictures:

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