Thursday, March 8, 2012

Week 6

On Tuesday night, Emily slept from 9:30PM-4:30AM.  SEVEN straight hours.  I jumped awake at 3AM to check if she was still breathing.  Then I watched her sleep for three minutes making sure her chest was rising and falling.  Oh the first time mom jitters!!  It's a given that I'm anxious about my baby's well being but sometimes my anxiety is on steroids.  The first night I got deep sleep after Emily was born I woke up in a panic because I thought I slept through her crying. 

I attempted the SNS again since Emily has been latching so well.  It was going great until the flow was too strong towards the end and she threw up all over my left boob.  My poor baby!  Even covered in throw up, my baby is still cute as a button!  Stinky, but cute.

Hubby is great at putting Emily to sleep with his SHHHHHHing.  She seems to sleep better and longer when daddy puts her down for a nap.  During her mid-morning nap today, I decided to be brave and take a shower.  I remember my mommy friends telling me how nervous they were to take a shower while their babies were napping and I thought, "Why?  They're sleeping!  It's just a quick shower!  Don't be such a worry wart."  Well...I take it back.  I stared at my sleeping angel who was in deep sleep and contemplated if I should or should not.  I left the door open and took the shortest and quietest shower ever.  By quiet, I mean low water pressure with very minimal splashing.  I thought I heard her crying so I ran out and she was fine.  Successful first shower except for the trail of wet carpet from the bathroom to her pack and play. 

We're starting to get better at distinguishing between Emily's different cries.  Sometimes she'll just cry/whimper because she's fussy and I've become better at accepting it and letting her be so she can learn to self soothe.  It's still hard for me to let her cry for more than ten minutes though because I'd rather stick a pencil in my ear than hear her screaming.  It makes me sad when she's unhappy.  Keeping calm when my baby cries = still a work in progess!

Sleeping Angel....SHHHHHHH

She really loves her swing

Week 1 & Week 6

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