Saturday, March 31, 2012

Saturday Night

Partaaaaaaay until the sun comes up!!!! Just kidding.  Hubby and I went on a dinner date tonight.  Yes, Emily went too but she was very good and slept the entire time so we were able to enjoy our dinner.  She usually sleeps when we take her out at night anyway.  I think all babies love the loud chaos of noisy restaurants while they sleep. 

Mesmerized by her new toys

Sound asleep.  The gloves are back on because she scratched her face in her sleep last night and I haven't had the chance to cut her nails again

So, I've got a bone to pick with my body.  Right after I had Emily I developed allergies...or my body's idea of a cruel, cruel joke.  Runny nose and sneezing.  I noticed that the runny nose and sneezing happens when I'm feeding Emily and it isn't just an average runny nose either.  I'm trying to hold and feed Emily with one arm while blowing my nose with the other so that I don't drip snot all over my baby's face and ruin bonding time.  It's especially worse for middle of the night feedings and on occassion, I've almost blown my eyeballs out trying to contain my sneezes so I don't wake her while she's dozing off.  I say this is a cruel joke because I find it ironic that my nose starts to run whenever my baby needs to be fed.  Uhmmmm, WRONG body part brain!!!  Why is it that my nostrils start dripping when Emily is hungry and not my boobs??  I've NEVER had allergies until now.  I usually find humor in life's ironic situations but this is ridiculous. 

One of the highlights from this evening is a pleasant discovery during my beer run at the market (yes, momma needs a drink and maybe this time the beer will help with my supply).  My prayers have been answered!!  My favorite candy bar as ice cream!  I've never been so excited at a supermarket on a Saturday night at 10PM.  The twenty-something cashier did not share my enthusiasm. 

P.S.  Twenty-something cashier asked to see I.D. for the beer, THANK YOU!!!!!!

"Peek a boo"ing again for the 347th time :)

Thank you Ergo!!

I started sleeping like this right before and during the first few months of my pregnancy when I was still able to sleep on my back and now Emily sleeps the same way.  Hubby found it funny enough to capture the kodak moment.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Laugh for Mommy.....Please?

Emily was a trooper at her two month check up.  She cried during the shots but was fine afterwards.  I, on the other hand, couldn't watch and shed a few tears when Emily was screaming.  
Before & After her shots.  She looks a little grumpy but was fine.
Emily truly is a Daddy's girl.  She coos and babbles with Daddy all the time and she started laughing with him this morning too!  I spent all afternoon trying to get her to laugh.  I "peek-a-boo"ed so many times I got light-headed and almost passed out.  Have you seen the Friends episode where Ross & Rachel sing "Baby Got Back" to Emma to get her to laugh?  I tried that such luck.  Her smiles were merely a gateway drug to her laughter.  I'm HOOKED!

I took Emily to visit my coworkers today (hi guys)!  It was great seeing everyone and I'm sure Emily enjoyed meeting all of Mommy's friends at work. 

Stud Muffin Colton!!!! His Mommy Cathy and I are going to play matchmakers, hehehehe! 
Baby Love is in the air~

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Rain, Rain Go Away

I usually love rainy days because it's the perfect time to stay in, get cozy, watch movies and eat take out pho.  Today, not so much since lately Sundays are my only day to go out, run errands and have some alone time.  Even though it was drizzling, I went grocery shopping.  Now that Emily goes to bed for the night around 7-7:30PM, I have enough time to cook dinner again.  I'm now making an effort to pack the boys lunch too (you're a lucky man, Hubby).  Yes, it's alot of work but take out costs too much and we need to eat healthier.  Did you know Trader Joes sells bibimbap, kimchee fried rice and pho in the frozen entree section?  I was so surprised that I was tempted to take pictures but I didn't want to be a weirdo taking pictures of food instead of buying it...

During my crazed internet search about how to boost milk supply I read about lactation cookies and although tempted at first, I decided it wouldn't be a good idea to try to bake my own while severely sleep deprived.  There are countless websites dedicated to these supposedly magical cookies and I pondered if it was really worth purchasing a dozen online for a whopping $29.99.  The prices desperate mothers are willing to pay!  Then I found a post on a mommy blog about Trader Joes vegan oatmeal cookies and how the ingredients were pretty similar.  It did nothing for my milk supply but now I'm hopelessly hooked on these damn cookies!  I wonder if Trader Joes has received complaints about random and spontaneous lactation from any customers (HAHA)?  Pregnancy really brought out my, almost non-existent, sweet tooth so I'm also in love with their dark chocolate covered bluberries.

I'm really starting to stress about losing my baby weight.  I know it's only been two months and I won't miraculously drop nine months' worth of weight overnight but I need to start somewhere.  This weight isn't going to disappear on its own so I need to make a REAL effort to eat better and exercise when I can.  I kind of regret giving in to every craving and eating like a beast during my pregnancy but what's done is done.  I LAUGHED OUT LOUD when Sippy Cups author wrote, "it's not a 'let's share a muffin' but a 'get your own muffin, bitch!' kind of hunger" about her cravings. 

I decided to title my pregnancy weight loss effort the, "black skinny jeans" project.  I'm obsessed with black skinny jeans/pants because they go with EVERYTHING.  You can put together an outfit for any occassion with this very important wardrobe piece.  SO, I'm determined to kick start the weight loss so I can rock a really great pair of black skinny jeans by the time Emily turns two (I'm being realistic).

My style & weight loss inspiration: Kate Middleton. I'm obsessed with her!! Her looks are so classic, I love it. My idea of a perfect outfit: Nice top, great fitting black skinny jeans and comfortable, stylish flats. Functional and classic. 

Emily and Daddy talking time
Emily slept great last night and even slept through her usual 6:00AM feeding for two extra hours of sweet snoozes.  She babbles and coos with Hubby a lot more than she does with me.  I did get her to smile and chuckle though while I sang her a lullaby before her bedtime today.  I hope the chuckle wasn't an indication that my lullaby was off key.

I hope this rain clears up by tomorrow morning for Emily's dreaded two month shots! 

Friday, March 23, 2012

2 Months

Emily is two months old tomorrow!  We've been hanging out alot at our favorite place to go: Nordstrom women's lounge, haha.  She's been sleeping better and better at night.  I try to entertain her as much as I can when she's awake but my efforts are sometimes met with tears and bored stares.  It's easier to tell what she doesn't like.  She hates red lights when we're out and protests the end of bath time.  She's VERY vocal.

I've been reading up about milestones and I'll try not to freak out if she doesn't start hitting them according to what the books and internet say.  All babies go at their own pace and I just need to be patient.  I remember my friends' babies would do something new and cute each time I saw them so naturally I am very anxious for Emily to start doing the cute things that melt my heart.  I must say though that as a new mom who is with her newborn everyday, waiting for a milestone to hit is like watching water boil.  I must be patient!!

I made a trip to Michaels (one of my favorite places ever!) to get cute accessories to make headbands for Emily.  I'm obsessed!  I can't wait to start having her wear them everyday!!

I'm currently reading, "Sippy Cups are Not for Chardonnay" and it's my favorite so far out of all the parenting books I've gotten.  It's funny and I like her style of writing.  I ordered another book of hers as well.  She has her own website and blogs for Babble which is a new website that I'm constantly browsing. 

Emily has her two month shots coming up this Monday and I'm nervous.  I'm expecting the worst and taking tissues for myself in case I get hysterical from watching my baby in pain. 

I feel like it's the beginning of the end of my breastfeeding journey.  Since she's sleeping longer at night and it's harder to pump during the day while she is awake, my low supply took another hit.  I'm now able to give her a full bottle of breastmilk about once a day or once every other day.  I've come to terms with the fact that I can't exclusively breast feed and I'm learning to let go of the guilt.  I told myself I'd try my best until three months and that's four weeks away.  In a final attempt, I purchased more supplements (More Milk Plus) and will see how it goes.  I might even hang in there until the very last drop.  I totally get it now when moms say they miss breastfeeding because of the special bonding time.  But don't get me wrong, bonding occurs during all feedings...breast or bottle.  I now know what to expect with baby #2 and will be better prepared and hopefully my supply will be better. 

Shopping for a baby is crazy overwhelming (for indecisive, bargain crazy me).  The author of Sippy Cups puts it best when she says there is always something new and something better to buy so it's never ending.  I think I might be showing signs of an Amazon addiction (sorry Hubby) because ordering stuff from my phone is just too easy and it feels like Christmas everytime I get a delivery, haha.

Having too much playing dress up with Emily and being paparazzi~

Sunday, March 18, 2012


I'm anxiously waiting for the day Emily starts smiling on a regular basis.  She smiles here and there but most of the time they last a split second and seem accidental or gas related.  I can tell she's practicing her facial expressions and those big gummy grins are just waiting to surface.  She is starting to coo and babble more in response to us talking to her and she continues to study our faces with very intense baby concentration, hehe. 

This morning around 3AM (after seven straight hours of sleep) I was rocking her back to sleep when she started staring at the ceiling and chuckling for almost a full minute!  I believe her guardian angel or great grandparents were adoring her. 

She is really starting to get too tall for her pack and play bassinet where she currently sleeps.  She's outgrown all her teeny tiny onsies and now wears 3 months size outfits and jammies.  They're a little loose but she'll grow into them in no time! 

Ready for bed after a nice warm bath!

She may look like Daddy but she got Mommy's stink eye stare.....muhahahaha

Holy double chin batman! Please excuse my hair....Hubby didn't wake me for this precious shot

I could do this forever. Love. 

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Week 7

I really don't know what we would've done without Dr. Karp's 5 S's and I don't remember how we used to get Emily to calm down and sleep when she was fussy.  My favorite lines from the book and great advice for new parents:

"Be Flexible: It's much better to bend than to snap."

"You just have to accept that some days you're the pigeon and some days you're the statue."

"Accept that the clock on your wall has temporarily been transformed from a time-management tool to a decoration."

My mom came over for her weekly visit yesterday and we took Emily out for lunch and went shopping afterwards.  We also stopped by the market and took the dogs out for a walk when we got home.  New moms who have help from their moms every day are SO LUCKY.  There's nothing in the world like a grandmother's love.  I look forward to Tuesdays every week.  While out, I did my first public bathroom diaper change and it wasn't as bad as I was dreading.  But then again, it was at Nordstrom which is the best and probably cleanest family restroom ever.  I will probably track down the nearest Nordstrom every time I am out with Emily from now on!

Emily's schedule is still somewhat unpredictable.  She has her sleepy days and her awake days.  On her sleepy days I try to get stuff done around the house and on her awake days, I feel defeated by the negligence of every day tasks.  But I'd much rather play with my daughter than do chores!!  How will life be with two kids??

I'm making an effort again to cook dinner every night.  I had to resort back to weekend grocery shopping which I used to avoid because of the crowd.  The Korean market on a Sunday afternoon is NOT pleasant with everyone and their moms trying to get their shopping done for the week as well.  There's nothing more aggravating than getting cart rammed by impatient Korean ladies who have no regard for personal space.  Dinner at the Han house is usually Korean food but now it's whatever is easiest and fastest to prepare so I bought a bunch of ready to serve frozen dinners from Ralphs for this week.  While in the freezer section, I picked up some Healthy Choice meals for myself in an effort to jumpstart my pregnancy weight loss plan.  But I have to wonder, how healthy of a choice is it when I have to eat two just to stop my stomach from growling?!  Pregnancy weight loss to be continued...

I follow HelloBee religiously.  I discovered her weddling blog during wedding planning and now she has a great site for parenting.  I really liked her post on meal planning and am considering implementing it at our house.  And how cute it this printable meal planner?  It will help me stay focused when I grocery shop since I'm trying to practice pinching our pennies.  I'm a reckless grocery shopper, especially when I go the market hungry.  Time to focus!!!

And now, this week in pictures: