Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Vaginal Birth vs. C-Section

Ok, this isn't really a "vs." post because I haven't experienced both.  I was expecting to deliver Emily the good ol' fashioned way but things never go as planned right? 

C-Section Pros: I didn't "blow out" my vajayjay and I didn't have to experience my extreme fear of tearing or cutting of my lady parts.

C-Section Cons: Longer and painful recovery, no immediate skin to skin contact with Emily after birth and no, "OMG, I just pushed her out and now I've forgotten about all the pain" followed by a tear filled moment as Emily is placed on my stomach scenario as seen on countless episodes of "A Baby Story" and "One Born Every Minute." 

I fantasized about the ideal birth experience all throughout my pregnancy.  I would breathe a sigh of relief after pushing out my baby, Hubby would cut the cord, give me a kiss, we would kiss our baby and be one happy family.  But now that she's here, I wouldn't change anything.

Maybe with my second child I can have a VBAC (vaginal birth after C-Section) but if I had to have another C-Section, I wouldn't mind too much.  It would be cool to have a VBAC to say I've experienced both.  It's only been two weeks and I've started to forget the pain of labor... not completely, but almost. :)

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