Sunday, February 26, 2012

Fun Reads

My life currently revolves around trying to increase my supply, breastfeeding and pumping.  I got some books to keep me entertained during pumping sessions.

Belly Laughs was hilarious so I'm sure this one will be good too.
Today we had a good breastfeeding session.  Four hours of breastfeeding on and off until she fell asleep.  She woke up an hour later screaming so I had to give her some formula. 

It's still too early to tell but for the past few days, it seems like Emily is on a semi-predictable schedule.  She definitely stays awake during the day longer and enjoys time in her swing.  During the week, the magic time when Emily takes a long nap and I get to take a breather seems to be 4PM.  Time flies during the day!

I'm currently researching baby carriers and which kind is best for back support.  I'm so indecisive!  There are too many baby products out there to choose from!

Happy Sunday!

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