Friday, February 24, 2012

1 Month

Happy 1 Month my precious baby!!  It's been a crazy, amazing four weeks.  We took Emily to a new pediatrician yesterday.  I met with her when I was pregnant and she's closer to home.  The parking situation is a lot easier too which is a plus.

We started noticing a little blood in Emily's poop two days ago which totally freaked me out.  We discussed with her pediatrician and most likely, she has an allergy to the milk protein in her formula.  The pediatrician said it's common among Asian babies so we switched to Similac Soy.  If the blood continues to be in her poop we have to switch to Similac Alimentum because Emily might be allergic to soy also.  If the Similac Alimentum hypoallergenic formula doesn't work then we have to switch to yet another formula which is double the cost and purchased at specialty stores.  Whew!  Let's just hope the soy formula works.  She hasn't had blood in her poop since she's been eating the soy formula.

So the SNS system was a bust.  She did OK on my left breast but when I tried it on my right, all hell broke loose.  Emily managed to figure out how to suck just the tube and then there was formula EVERYWHERE!  She must remember it somehow because now when I breastfeed her on my right side, she gets really fussy and refuses to keep going even after she's established a great latch.  In theory, the SNS system would have been great but it's a lot of work and I don't want to make breastfeeding such an unpleasant and stressful situation for her.  Maybe by next month when she's more aware, breastfeeding will become easier.

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