Sunday, February 19, 2012

Growth Spurt?

Last night Emily was up every two hours and ate 4oz. like a champ.  She usually eats 3oz. and sleeps 3-4 hours at a time.  I think she's going through a growth spurt.  My chunky monkey loves to eat!  I'm still trying to breastfeed her almost every feeding but since I'm still not producing enough, we finish with formula or breastmilk/formula.  She falls asleep at the breast after 5-10 minutes and uses me as a pacifier most of the time but I don't mind it because it's our bonding time.  I could do without the back pain though. 

I'm still feeling the need to accomplish everything in the short amount of free time I have when Emily is sleeping.  I just can't let it go!  My body is slowly getting adjusted to being in zombie mode so I'll go-go-go until I completely burn out and get an hour or two of sleep during the day.  When I wake up, my entire body is sore and on occasion I have trouble remembering what day it is. 

I went to a friend's baby shower this weekend and it was good to be out and mingle with people.  Before I had Emily, I always thought I'd never be able to leave my new baby so soon and would have separation anxiety but I was fine.  I was only gone for a couple of hours and it helped to clear my head and "recharge my batteries."  I think it's important for me to have time for myself every now and then and not be too obsessed about leaving my baby.  I miss GNO and can't wait to go out again when I'm comfortable leaving Emily for longer periods of time as she gets older.  I need to learn to trust that she'll be ok with her Daddy.  Plus, it will give Hubby a chance to bond with our daughter. 

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