Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentines Day! 3 Weeks Old

Emily is three weeks old today.  Yesterday she latched and I was able to breastfeed twice.  What a relief!  It was totally worth the toe curling pain!  No pain, no gain.  Hopefully we can keep this up and it'll get better and easier for the both of us.  If even just for one day, a break from bottles and pumping would be nice.

She is a little more active during the day and tries to lift her head often when we hold her up which means more tummy time when she's awake. 

Hubby and I are still in zombie mode and crazy tired but we're taking it day by day, moment by moment.

Picture I saw today on Hubby's phone.  Meeting my baby for the first time <3.

She loves bath time!


  1. At least Emily likes baths! Julienne doesn't yet :( Congrats on the latch and I hope it becomes completely painless and regular thing soon. I do commend you on your effort to give Emily the best when most people just give up. Should I try tummy time too? It just seemed so early but Julienne already holds her head up when we burp her.

  2. Our pediatrician said as long as we watch her, tummy time is ok.
