Friday, February 10, 2012

Dear Boobies,

Emily is going to be three weeks old and you're not delivering as promised.  Demand = Suppply right?  What's the deal?  Please step it up and provide the liquid gold my sweet baby needs so I can have peace of mind that she is getting the best.  Plus, formula is really expensive and smells funny. 


The supplements I'm taking don't seem to be working.  I've been on countless breastfeeding forums, blogs and sites scouring the internet for suggestions or miraculously a site called, "how to increase Jina's milk supply for baby Emily."  No such luck.  As a last resort I even thought about having a beer or two to help increase supply but I don't want to pump and dump the precious drops I get now and I don't want to shell out $25.00 for 20 test strips.  Who knows if it will even work for me anyway?  Plus, I haven't had a drink (which I've been dying for) for the past 10 months and once I get started, there's no stopping me!  Just kidding...

I will continue to try breastfeeding and get Emily to latch but until then, exclusively pumping for me. 

On a funnier note, I'm very shy about getting undressed in front of others or being naked even among girlfriends but this breastfeeding ordeal has thrown my modesty out the window.  I don't think twice about whipping out the ladies when it comes to any help with breastfeeding and I've been felt up by more lactation consultants and nurses than your average new mom.  The things I will do for my baby. :)

I'm still hopeful that I'll see an increase in supply in the next few weeks.  I must believe!!!

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