Thursday, February 23, 2012


SNS: Supplemental Nursing System a.k.a another attempt to breastfeed longer and increase my supply.  Since Emily started latching and I was able to breastfeed for half the feedings, I stopped pumping as often and my supply took a hit.  Yes, she was able to latch but would eat for 5-10 minutes, fall asleep and then wake up crying her head off because the milk either wasn't coming out fast enough or nothing was coming out at all.  You'd think her crying would trigger a let down, but nope! P.S. Let down: when a mother's milk starts to come out in response to her baby feeding.  I've read/heard that moms will leak or even spray milk at the sound of their baby's cries or even by looking at their baby.  It hasn't happened to me yet but I WISH the milk would come pouring out when Emily cries!  What gives?? Does my body not want to feed my baby??  Anyway, so at this point it's impossible to get her to latch again because she's too hungry and she's been spoiled by the plastic nipple so we finish the feeding with formula or any pumped breast milk by bottle. 

When we were in the hospital, the second lactation consultant I met with gave me a supplemental nursing system.  It's a thin tube that basically acts as a straw.  One end goes in the bottle and the other goes in baby's mouth.  Pretty self explanatory.  She showed me how to strengthen Emily's suck by putting the tube in her mouth along with my finger so she would be getting formula/pumped breastmilk while practicing her suck.  She advised that I use it during breastfeeding by slipping the tube in while Emily was latching.  Today I finally tried it (what took me so long?). 

It's a lot of work.  Basically I had the tube taped to my boob and had to alternate the elevation of the bottle to strengthen or weaken the flow.  The initial latch was harder because I had to make sure the tube didn't slip out of her mouth which would cause a leaky mess everywhere!  Once she latched, one hand was supporting her head and the other was holding the bottle.  I prayed that she wouldn't release the latch.  It took a couple tries but she breastfed for 20 minutes.  The longer she stays at the breast and actively sucks, the better my supply will be (hopefully).  I'm determined to try this for every feeding moving forward.  It'll be hard trying to have her give up the bottle cold turkey for the next week or so and it'll be a little more stressful for the both of us but I must try!  Middle of the night feedings will be harder because I'll have to be up longer and take over for the feeding that Hubby usually does.  Why do I feel like my breastfeeding adventures are starting to mimic MacGyver tactics??  I'm totally going to hum the MacGyver theme song in my head when I breastfeed now...

Medela Starter Supplemental Nursing System

NOT ME!!!!!! Just wanted to show what it looks like in action.

Medela SNS.  This one comes with a tube for each boob.  It was developed initially to help adoptive mothers induce lactation.  Cool huh?

This is the dual one.  The things mothers will do to breastfeed their babies!

I think Mirae was feeling a little neglected with all the attention I've been giving Emily trying to breastfeed her.  I left the Boppy out in the living room and found Mirae sleeping in it a couple of times.  SO CUTE!  Minnie doesn't care. 

Now more pictures of my chunky monkey!

Thank you Jessica 이모 for my pretty pink pillow!

1 comment:

  1. Ah! A piggy pillow... I'm gonna have to get one of those. You are an amazing momma, I truly have to say. I don't know if I would go through all that trouble! Emily is one lucky bebe! <3
