Friday, February 17, 2012

Tummy Time

Emily has been a little fussy today.  She's great when we have company though!  She's been going through diapers like crazy and eating more often.  We're both getting the hang of breastfeeding so every other feeding is the breast with a little formula to supplement afterwards.  I'm getting used to the pain and technique of it (it's hard work).  Emily and I both prefer the football hold.  I've been seeking tips and advice from other mom friends who have breastfed and I'm still constantly checking forums asking questions and reading posts from other first time moms who are freaking out about the same things.  I'm still pumping when I can and the combination of breastfeeding/pumping is making me SO thirsty and HUNGRY! 

She enjoyed some tummy time today and of course I took 8490233498 pictures of the same thing. :)  These moments are going to fly by so fast so I need to capture them all!

She's getting bigger by the day

My OCD is still on overdrive lately but I have to learn to let it go so I can rest and focus 110% on Emily when I need to.  I'm having a hard time neglecting my to do list and letting some of the chores go undone.  Hubby has been great with helping out but he's just as tired as I am.  It really does make a difference having help with a newborn.  My mom is able to come once a week on her days off but I wish she was here everyday! 

I suspect my house will be looking like this in the next few weeks...

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