Friday, February 3, 2012

Feb 3

Emily has been sleeping 3-4 hours at a time and currently eats about 2-3 oz per feeding.  Sometimes she cluster feeds and will cry for food every hour during a three hour period.  She stays up for about an hour sometimes during the day and is fussy around 1-3AM.  During the last few months of my pregnancy, she was most active during 1-3AM. 

I'm still unable to sleep when she sleeps during the day, mainly because my mind is constantly going about things to do and things to worry about.  I'm a natural worrywart so as a new parent it has gotten much worse.  I'm sure with time, things will get easier and I'll be able to relax now and then.  Since Emily has been sleeping from 1-5AM then 6-9AM the past few days, I was able to get some sleep at night.  I'm so nervous about Hubby going back to work.  He'll be gone from 12-9PM and I'll be all alone....wish me luck. 

My milk didn't come in until day four.  We were in the hospital for four days and everyday I tried breastfeeding hoping that Emily would at least get colostrum.  We didn't have much luck and my poor baby was going hungry and screaming her head off.  I worked with two different lactation consultants and the nurses all tried to help.  By day three, Emily had lost a pound and so we had to supplement with formula.  Breastfeeding is really hard and it takes time to get used to it.  Since Emily has gotten familiar with the bottle now, she refuses to breastfeed when she's hungry.  I still try for some feedings but both she and I get frustrated and I end up giving her the bottle.  I don't want breastfeeding to be a frustrating experience for Emily.  Instead, I want it to be a bonding one where she knows I'm giving her what I can.  So for now, I'm pumping every few hours and bottle feeding her breastmilk.  My supply is still low so we're doing breastmilk and formula.  Any breastmilk is better than no breastmilk.  I like the pump I got from Babies R Us and it has become my new bff.  It's a bit of a hassle to clean the parts after each feeding and sometimes I feel like a cow hooked up to a milking machine but whatever I can do, I will.  I've been eating the traditional Korean foods like seaweed soup and pumpkin porridge and also been drinking Mother's Milk Tea like along with Fenugreek capsules.  I hope my supply increases SOON. 

Medela Pump

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