Monday, April 30, 2012


Emily is starting to crack me up with her silly baby antics.  She's now become very fond of sucking on her index and middle fingers and every once in awhile her index finger will pop out and go up her nose so she looks like she's digging for gold at the same time.  I recently got the Aden + Anais swaddle blankets (LOVE!!!) and when she's trying to break free from a swaddle, she looks like a crazy butterfly trying to emerge from its cocoon.  The blanket is huge so it takes her awhile.  She breaks free every time and I think the struggle helps tire her out for bedtime.  I don't even know why I bother swaddling her still because she hates it anyway. 

Uncle Billy making her laugh

Trying out her jumper.  She can't really move in it yet but seems very interested in the new toys. 

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