Monday, April 9, 2012

2.5 Months

I can't believe Emily will be three months old soon!  I still look at her newborn pictures all the time and now I can really see the difference and how much she's grown since then.  I often daydream about my pregnancy and the day of her birth to remind myself that time really does fly by and the importance of enjoying the present no matter how hard or mundane it can be.  I'll daydream about these moments too and miss them terribly.  I'm feeling a bit sentimental (and a little loopy from cold medicine).

Emily's night sleep schedule is becoming somewhat unpredictable again.  I'm not too stressed about it because she'll figure it out on her own terms in no time...I hope.  She recently discovered the fun of locking her legs and supporting her weight while being held, although sometimes she forgets to bend her knees and gets frustrated.  She enjoys her swing and mobile the most in the mornings and prefers to lay still in the afternoons when she's feeling cranky.  She doesn't enjoy her musical gym as much.  Lately, I'll nap with her when I get the chance and she'll fall asleep in my arms but will struggle to break free after ten minutes or so.  I suppose this is a subtle lesson in parenting; when to hold tight and when to let go.  She finds her way out of her swaddle every night letting out cute grunts and farts in the process. 

I got sick this weekend.  I've been so afraid and paranoid about sick people coming around Emily and low and behold, it's ME!  Thanks again irony.  Luckily, she seems ok.  I'm dreading the first time she gets sick. 

Mirae and Minnie have been driving us a little nuts lately so I think it's time to call in a dog trainer.  It's getting a little too chaotic in the Han household. 

Now that I'm done with breastfeeding and pumping, it's time to really focus on project BSJ.  This weight isn't going to come off on its own.  With our current schedule, the only time I can work out alone is from 10PM - bedtime which leaves me with very few options.  I'm considering joining LA Fitness again but going to the gym at 10PM is not appealing at all.  I put away my breastpump parts for good today and it was bittersweet.  I felt sad about my whole breastfeeding ordeal but relieved that I don't have to wash the pump parts again. 

P.S. Happy Easter

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