Wednesday, April 25, 2012

No Mascara Allowed

I read in one of my books (Sippy Cups, I think) about a mom who had a mandatory rule for playdates at her house: No mascara allowed.  Double points if you ditch the jeans and wear sweats.  Genius!  It's hard enough taking care of a baby and having to look like motherhood is effortless at playdates is just ridiculous.  Yes, it only takes ten minutes to put on regular clothes and some makeup but I've found that it's just easier to go without.  Yoga pants and sneakers are much more comfortable when I'm spending the day out with Emily (my post partum body is not jeans-ready anyway) and makeup feels annoying on my sweaty face when I'm huffin' and puffin' with Emily's carseat and stroller.  My hair is constantly up in a ponytail because Emily loves to practice her grip and pull out the four strands of hair I have left or I'll have spit up in it.  I totally sound like I've let myself go but let's face it, I'm a new mom and I just can't stress about my appearance right now.  The time will come when Emily is a little older and I can wear normal clothes and makeup again but until then, why beat myself up about it?  I sometimes want to bang my head against the wall though when I see a mom at the mall pushing her infant in a $1000 stroller in size 4 designer jeans and perfect makeup.  I like to pretend that they lose their shit when they get home and eat sticks of butter for dinner. 


With Grandma at Brea Mall

Standing for a split second!
The SHHHH method is slowly losing it's touch.  The swaddling and Shhhhhing is pissing her off more than anything lately so it's a hit or miss.  Hubby usually let's Emily fall asleep on her own and she's slowly getting better at it but it makes me a little sad because I love having her fall asleep in my arms and when she falls asleep on her own it makes me feel like she doesn't need me.  *tear*

Emily talking herself to sleep:

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