Thursday, April 19, 2012

Random post about random things

When Emily and the dogs are napping, I catch up on all the sites I follow on my iphone.  The internet is becoming increasingly overwhelming and trying to keep up is getting more annoying than trying to keep up with the Kardashians.  Facebook it, tweet it, pin it and what else?  I was catching up on my celebrity gossip and read about the Brangelina engagement.  Ugh (!) my least favorite celebrity couple.  Team Aniston!  My favorite celebrity couple?  Giuliana & Bill! 

I love them!  Something about them tells me they're for real and I really hope they don't become another Hollywood divorce statistic.  I was able to relate with Giuliana's struggle to get pregnant.  It took me two years and I say two years because from the moment I said "I Do," I hoped that the following month would be "the month."  I'll save my TTC (trying to conceive) story for another post.

Currently craving:

Actually, I'm ALWAYS craving sushi & seafood.

Currently reading:

It's pretty funny.  Check out her website. 

Currently daydreaming about:

I love, LOVE Vegas!  I can't wait until Hubby and I can take our first trip when I feel comfortable leaving Emily with my parents for a couple of days.  Drinking, gambling, buffet and all the craziness of Vegas.  I'd also like to take a girls only weekend to remind myself how fun it is to party and dance with girlfriends until 4AM. 

I'm falling more in love with minimalist design now.  For our next home I want to keep things very simple and neat because it looks chic and more importantly, EASIER to clean.  Say no to clutter.  I will be eyeing furniture pieces that also double as storage.

So there's been crazy hype about this book and the trilogy.  I'll have to wait for a review from any friends that have read it. 

I want to watch this movie at Bring Your Baby Matinee. 

And my last random thought for this post:

A really good dirty martini sounds fabulous right about now.

1 comment:

  1. You are lucky because now you CAN go to Vegas and have a martini! You probably won't want to leave her alone yet though. That is the pitfall to breastfeeding. I can't even leave baby alone for like 15 minutes in case she gets hungry. I'm kind of missing Korea but I know I'll have to bring her when I go anyway. I love minimalist too but think of how impossible it would be when the babies are toddlers. Toys toys everywhere is all I think unless you can be really good at having them only play in their room. I myself wish I could afford Victorian Shabby Chic style everything.
