Sunday, April 15, 2012

Week 11

Why does it feel like I've been living in a tornado lately?  Or maybe it's just all the chaos stirring in my head.  Being a stay at home mom (while my maternity leave still lasts) is crazy!  Good crazy and bad crazy.  Mirae is acting up more than ever and it's driving me up the wall.  I'm trying to walk them as often as I can because a tired dog is a happy dog but these tazmanian devils have too much energy.  I'm now cleaning up after Mirae more often than I'm changing Emily's diapers.  There is seriously something wrong with this situation.  I've contacted potential dog trainers and we're going to set up a consultation for this weekend. 

I'm going to Boston the first weekend of May for my cousin's wedding and I'll be going alone while Hubby stays home with Emily.  I wish we could go as a family since neither Hubby and I have been before but we decided a five hour flight wasn't the best idea for Emily's first airplane ride.  I'll only be gone a day and a half but I'm already getting anxious about leaving Emily.  C'mon, it's only a day and a half...don't be so dramatic right?  Easier said than done.  Speaking of separation anxiety, I had it BAD when I was a little girl.  The sky fell down and the world stopped when I wasn't near my mom.  Once I agreed to have a sleepover at my aunt's house but once the sun went down, I FLIPPED out and cried my eyes out begging for mommy...for HOURS...while sitting by my aunt's front door clutching my belongings with a kung fu grip.  My other uncle finally had to pick me up and bring me home in the middle of the night.  What a brat I was!  I must make sure Emily doesn't have separation anxiety as bad as I did. 

So project black skinny jeans has just become project jeans at this point.  There will come a day when my pants no longer have an elastic waist but when???  Speaking of...what am I going to wear to my cousin's wedding?  This frightening question lingers in my mind as the event fast approaches.  I knew I wouldn't lose this weight overnight but it's been three months and yes, I still wear my maternity tights!  There, I said it.  I don't want to throw down cash for a dress that will be (please!!!) too big for me six months from now so I pondered wearing one of my maternity dresses that merely looks like a normal dress with an empire waist but if I get asked when I'm due I'm going to lose my shit at my cousin's wedding and be labeled the crazy out of town relative to avoid.  P.S.  Never, ever ask a woman if she's pregnant.  Let her tell you she is with child and don't forget to mention how amazing she looks.  I wonder if anyone will notice that I'm actually wearing black yoga pants if I wear a flashy top and fancy shoes?  Check back the second week of May to see what I ended up wearing. 

Whewwwww.....I'm tired.  I need some mommy juice.  Mommy juice = two buck chuck in a plastic cup.  Two buck chuck because who doesn't love a bargain?? And plastic cup because that's one less dish to wash. 

Emily updates!  She decided she does like her activity gym after all and her favorite toys are the plastic monkeys.  She stares at those things for minutes at a time!  She's also very enticed by the pattern of my diaper bag.  She almost always locks her legs now and bears her weight when we play but doesn't have the same enthusiasm when attempting to lift her chest during tummy time.  I'm still waiting for those music-to-my-ears giggles and big gummy grins.  Her smiles are getting better but they still seem shy.  She continues to wake up twice for feedings at night and is clearly not a morning person just like me.  I'm so glad she didn't catch my cold although she has had a lot more boogers than usual.  Now my shirts have spit up and cute little gold nuggets!  I've been reading reviews on Amazon about the nosefrida snot sucker and have never been so excited about something so gross.  The three month mark is coming up and seems to be a big deal in terms of development and milestones.  I keep thinking I'll wake up to a different Emily who is gushing with giggles and babbling, "OK I'm READY TO PLAY so bring on more toys!"  We'll see!

1 comment:

  1. Aww she seems like she's a sweet little shy girl! I CAN'T WAIT until they can play with toys. Wouldn't it be nice to be able to put them next to some toys and not hear them whine for about 10-15 minutes? Good luck with the dog training and losing weight~! I don't even have that kind of energy to walk or pick up doggie poo. My dogs are outside being neglected and I haven't been eating healthy (bad for breastfeeding I know!).You're super mom.
