Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Let's go out!

Emily loves going out!!!!!  She dropped her morning nap and wants to play from the time she's up until her afternoon nap around noon.  When we stay home, her afternoon nap is often short and she gets fussy.  If we go out, she naps great and seems to really enjoy being out but still hates red lights.  She wakes up every time the car is stopped and cries, "Hello? Why aren't we moving??"  I'm running out of places to go!  I can't wait until she's old enough to enjoy indoor playgrounds or gymboree.  Being out is a workout for me both physically and mentally so no complaints except I feel bad my dogs have to stay home all alone.  This update will be short and sweet.

1 week & 11 weeks

She really outgrew her bassinet.  She's still getting used to sleeping on the mattress now and often wakes herself up when moving around too much.

Had to buy a new bouncer since she is bored with her swing now.

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