Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Entertaining Baby

Going out everyday with Emily is fun but all the work involved caught up with me and I'm TIRED.  Plus, the weather this week has been pretty gross.  Sunny? Rainy? Muggy? Which is it Mother Nature?  I say it's earthquake weather which reminds me to add emergency kits to my to-do list. 

Keeping Emily entertained at home is a workout too!  She wants to be held most of the time and when my arms start to cramp we alternate from swing, activity gym, tummy time, storytime and now jumper.  Her tolerance and length of time for each toy/activity seems to depends on her mood.  Staying home also means shorter naps. 

She is getting more fun everyday as she smiles, giggles and babbles more.  I love all these new milestones!

She loves the sun!  She's most attracted to toys with a face.

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