Monday, May 21, 2012


Remember this show?

I wish I had Evie's power to stop time so I could tag Emily and spend more time with her before I go back to work.  Also, to take a twelve hour nap. 

I had a really bad scare with Emily today.  She's been trying to lift her head and sit up when she's in her swing and carseat lately and today she almost fell out of her swing!  Trying to lift her head to sit up and roll over + momentum of swing = BAD!  We haven't been strapping her in the swing because she wasn't able to move much until now, but now I know how important it is to use the straps!!  I can't imagine what I would've done if she fell out and hurt herself.  I was across the room when I saw it happening from the corner of my eye and I've never moved faster in my life.  I am not looking forward to all the cuts and scrapes of childhood.  When is a good time to get Emily fitted for her bubble?  I keed, I keed...

Remember this show?  If I had his super powers I could get chores and housework done in 30 seconds, always catch Emily before she falls and be all around awesome. 

Emily will be four months on Thursday!  She is getting stronger, funnier and more opinionated each and every day. 

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