Wednesday, May 9, 2012


Baby Wrestling!  Oh my goodness.  Emily wants to move around all the time and she is strong!  She kicks her legs constantly and pumps her arms as if she's wrestling another baby.  Changing her diapers, clothes and feedings have become somewhat of a struggle because she does not want to stay still.  Ever since she discovered sucking on her hands is the coolest thing ever, that is all she wants to do and gets very angry when interrupted.  She is starting to move around ALOT when trying to fall asleep and will rotate clockwise or counterclockwise in her pack n play before finally dozing off.  I'm just worried that she'll roll over for the first time in her sleep and get stuck.  I've also noticed this week that she stopped babbling as much in the mornings when in her swing.  I'll look over to see what she is doing and she is concentrating so hard on her fisher price cloth book. 

My favorite moment lately is when we meet eyes, Emily gives a big grin and kicks her legs in excitement.  I'm still trying to get a good belly laugh out of her. 

We have an appointment with KinderCare next Friday for daycare...  I'll write more thoughts about it once I stop tearing up and losing it everytime I think about the subject. 

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