Thursday, May 24, 2012

4 Months

Happy 4 months my sweet baby!  It's very cool to see Emily hit milestones everyday now and she's growing up so fast.  3 month size clothes that were once too big are already too small and packed away.  She's been on a roll (literally) with rolling from back to front and this morning at 4AM she really got stuck and woke up crying, poor baby.  She continues to be really good at night, sleeping from 7:30/8PM to 7AM but naps are still a little hard.  I wonder why she is so good at self soothing at night but not during the day?  The daily bath as part of her bedtime routine helps a lot.  She starts the bath off with lots of splishes and splashes and turns into mellow jello at the end, haha. 

She always smiles in the morning when we meet eyes, which sends me to the moon and back, and is babbling a lot more.  Her favorite songs at the moment are "wheels on the bus" and "old McDonald had a farm."  She smiles and kicks her legs during "wipers on the bus go swoosh, swoosh, swoosh" and "E I E I O." 

Today, powered by mommy fuel, I got a lot done. 

Venti skinny vanilla latte with an extra shot of espresso
Emily's grandparents are visiting from Denver this weekend so I ran errands and did laundry today.  I also stopped by TJ Maxx and scored some books on clearance.  I'm such a bargain whore, I love it!

Five books for $20.  Emily is rolling over in the corner and I finally gave in to The Hunger Games.
I want Emily to love reading.  I'm excited to start a book collection for her and I hope she enjoys them.  I will try my best to encourage her to read anything and everything, hoping she develops a thirst for knowledge.

Emily has her 4 month shots next week and I'm excited to measure her development since her last appointment.  She's currently wearing Carter's 6 month onsies and pjs.

Trying to escape...

She looks so big in her crib!

1 comment:

  1. She does look big! Is it a smaller crib? I can't believe she moves so much! Our little Julie is a mellow fellow. She just kinda lies her head down during tummy time and gets lazy. I think she is going to sit up before she rolls. Score on the baby books on clearance!! I am already in search of a used children's bookshelf. :) Happy 4 months!
