Sunday, May 13, 2012


Three and a half months already.  I miss Emily's newborn cry.  I look at her newborn pictures all the time and am amazed at how much she has grown and changed.  They do grow up fast!  I've already packed away a bunch of clothes she has outgrown.  We hear she is a big baby all the time and I suspect our pediatrician will make the same comment again at our upcoming four month checkup.  I can't get enough of her chubby baby thighs!!!

She has been fighting her daytime naps lately and has had a few meltdowns.  Nighttime is better as I truly enjoy her bedtime routine and love watching her babble herself to sleep every night.  Toys are becoming even more interesting and she is literally on the verge of rolling over from back to tummy any second now.  She tries so hard that she actually falls asleep sometimes from the exhaustion when going to bed at night. 

As for me....

I feel like I'm still stuck in this post partum funk.  When will I really feel motivated to hit the gym?  WHEN will I find the time?  I want to approach this with a "no excuses" attitude but honestly, it's HARD.  I was hoping to lose all the baby weight (and then some) by six months post partum but that is right around the corner and I don't see it happening.  Maybe a year?  If I'm still wearing yoga pants out to dinner after a year, I'm going to need an intervention.  My hair has been falling out like crazy and I'm tempted to chop it all off.  My joints feel stiff (especially my knees) and my energy levels are slowly declining.  More coffee please!  Poor Jessica Simpson.  The whole world is watching and waiting to see how fast she will lose her baby weight.  Who needs that kind of pressure? 

I started using Instagram lately and it's pretty fun.  I still can't get on board with Pinterest because it makes me feel like I suck when I see all the cool and cute things I feel like I should be doing/making/baking/wearing, blah!

After my short Boston trip, I started thinking about planning our first family vacation.  It would be great if we could go to Hawaii again with Emily or even a weekend vacation to San Diego would be nice.  I'm looking forward to taking her to all the places I went as a kid and it'll be great to re-live those memories as a parent. 

I've been thinking about making a photo album of Emily's baby pictures.  Everything is online, which is great and convenient, but nothing beats going through an actual album with family on special occassions.  It's going to be quite a project though going through hundreds of pictures to decide which ones to print.  I wish I had a personal assistant...and a personal chef...and a personal trainer...

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