Tuesday, May 8, 2012


A short but sweet trip.  I flew out Friday night and wasn't able to sleep on the plane so I got a total of 7 hours of sleep in 48 hours.  The wedding was great and I had fun dancing with my family.  I was worried about leaving Emily but she was great and Hubby is amazing!  So I ended up getting a dress from Target for $24.99 to wear to the wedding.  It was comfortable and I felt it helped hide my post baby belly. 

.....Or so I thought.  TWO complete strangers commented how happy I must be to be expecting.  One even rubbed my belly.  Ummmmm did you not see the three glasses of wine I was enjoying??  I wanted to accidentally, on purpose, step on their toes on the dance floor.  RUDE!

My dad getting his groove on

Emily's pictures from the past few weeks

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