Monday, April 30, 2012


Emily is starting to crack me up with her silly baby antics.  She's now become very fond of sucking on her index and middle fingers and every once in awhile her index finger will pop out and go up her nose so she looks like she's digging for gold at the same time.  I recently got the Aden + Anais swaddle blankets (LOVE!!!) and when she's trying to break free from a swaddle, she looks like a crazy butterfly trying to emerge from its cocoon.  The blanket is huge so it takes her awhile.  She breaks free every time and I think the struggle helps tire her out for bedtime.  I don't even know why I bother swaddling her still because she hates it anyway. 

Uncle Billy making her laugh

Trying out her jumper.  She can't really move in it yet but seems very interested in the new toys. 

Sunday, April 29, 2012

100 Days

It's Korean tradition to celebrate the first 100 days of a baby's life.  Emily's 100 days falls on May 2 but we decided to celebrate with my Hubby's birthday yesterday.  We kept it low key and went out to dinner with immediate family and took some pictures at home. 

My Dad has his iphone camera set to video...

Pictures from this past week

For Hubby's birthday this year I wasn't able to make a cake so I made him a customized shirt instead.  I was browsing through Pinterest when I came across this great bleach t-shirt idea and it was SO easy to make! Great instructions here and here.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

No Mascara Allowed

I read in one of my books (Sippy Cups, I think) about a mom who had a mandatory rule for playdates at her house: No mascara allowed.  Double points if you ditch the jeans and wear sweats.  Genius!  It's hard enough taking care of a baby and having to look like motherhood is effortless at playdates is just ridiculous.  Yes, it only takes ten minutes to put on regular clothes and some makeup but I've found that it's just easier to go without.  Yoga pants and sneakers are much more comfortable when I'm spending the day out with Emily (my post partum body is not jeans-ready anyway) and makeup feels annoying on my sweaty face when I'm huffin' and puffin' with Emily's carseat and stroller.  My hair is constantly up in a ponytail because Emily loves to practice her grip and pull out the four strands of hair I have left or I'll have spit up in it.  I totally sound like I've let myself go but let's face it, I'm a new mom and I just can't stress about my appearance right now.  The time will come when Emily is a little older and I can wear normal clothes and makeup again but until then, why beat myself up about it?  I sometimes want to bang my head against the wall though when I see a mom at the mall pushing her infant in a $1000 stroller in size 4 designer jeans and perfect makeup.  I like to pretend that they lose their shit when they get home and eat sticks of butter for dinner. 


With Grandma at Brea Mall

Standing for a split second!
The SHHHH method is slowly losing it's touch.  The swaddling and Shhhhhing is pissing her off more than anything lately so it's a hit or miss.  Hubby usually let's Emily fall asleep on her own and she's slowly getting better at it but it makes me a little sad because I love having her fall asleep in my arms and when she falls asleep on her own it makes me feel like she doesn't need me.  *tear*

Emily talking herself to sleep:

Monday, April 23, 2012

3 Months (4/24/12)!

Here we are at the magical three month mark.  Emily is much more observant of her surroundings and is becoming more and more fun.  She loves to scream for our attention and has recently started rolling from back to side and back again.  Her grasp is more controlled and she is usually sucking on whatever she can manage to grab.  Most days are spent out and about while I run errands and shop.  My favorite time of day with Emily is bathtime and bedtime.  She makes big splashes with her legs and when she falls asleep smiling and giggling, it sends me to the moon and back. 

I'm already putting away clothes and bottles she's outgrown and shopping for new things is always fun.  I'm excited to put together her jumper in the next few weeks and I know she'll have a blast with her new toy.  By the way, baby toys are so expensive and EVERYTHING has so many screws and plastic tags to remove. 

We had our consultation with the dog trainer this past weekend and things are looking up!  There is already a slight improvement and I'm not pulling my hair out every hour.  The trainer confirmed that Mirae is insecure and anxious and pointed out that she sees herself as a roommate of this house and thinks Minnie is HER puppy, haha. 

I read/saw today that Giuliana & Bill are expecting.  I'm so happy for them! 

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Random post about random things

When Emily and the dogs are napping, I catch up on all the sites I follow on my iphone.  The internet is becoming increasingly overwhelming and trying to keep up is getting more annoying than trying to keep up with the Kardashians.  Facebook it, tweet it, pin it and what else?  I was catching up on my celebrity gossip and read about the Brangelina engagement.  Ugh (!) my least favorite celebrity couple.  Team Aniston!  My favorite celebrity couple?  Giuliana & Bill! 

I love them!  Something about them tells me they're for real and I really hope they don't become another Hollywood divorce statistic.  I was able to relate with Giuliana's struggle to get pregnant.  It took me two years and I say two years because from the moment I said "I Do," I hoped that the following month would be "the month."  I'll save my TTC (trying to conceive) story for another post.

Currently craving:

Actually, I'm ALWAYS craving sushi & seafood.

Currently reading:

It's pretty funny.  Check out her website. 

Currently daydreaming about:

I love, LOVE Vegas!  I can't wait until Hubby and I can take our first trip when I feel comfortable leaving Emily with my parents for a couple of days.  Drinking, gambling, buffet and all the craziness of Vegas.  I'd also like to take a girls only weekend to remind myself how fun it is to party and dance with girlfriends until 4AM. 

I'm falling more in love with minimalist design now.  For our next home I want to keep things very simple and neat because it looks chic and more importantly, EASIER to clean.  Say no to clutter.  I will be eyeing furniture pieces that also double as storage.

So there's been crazy hype about this book and the trilogy.  I'll have to wait for a review from any friends that have read it. 

I want to watch this movie at Bring Your Baby Matinee. 

And my last random thought for this post:

A really good dirty martini sounds fabulous right about now.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Let's go out!

Emily loves going out!!!!!  She dropped her morning nap and wants to play from the time she's up until her afternoon nap around noon.  When we stay home, her afternoon nap is often short and she gets fussy.  If we go out, she naps great and seems to really enjoy being out but still hates red lights.  She wakes up every time the car is stopped and cries, "Hello? Why aren't we moving??"  I'm running out of places to go!  I can't wait until she's old enough to enjoy indoor playgrounds or gymboree.  Being out is a workout for me both physically and mentally so no complaints except I feel bad my dogs have to stay home all alone.  This update will be short and sweet.

1 week & 11 weeks

She really outgrew her bassinet.  She's still getting used to sleeping on the mattress now and often wakes herself up when moving around too much.

Had to buy a new bouncer since she is bored with her swing now.