Thursday, August 9, 2012

Motherhood 6 Month Review

I've officially dropped cooking and cleaning from my list for now.  I'll tackle them again when I'm ready.  Hubby is being supportive so I'm getting better at accepting that I can't push myself but it's still a work in progess.  I used to tell myself that when I became a mom, I'd do my best to be super mom no matter what.  I'd do it all and do it well.  Surely, it can't be that hard.  I am now eating my words.  With steak sauce.

Mommy Brain
What was the steak sauce for?  No, seriously....what was it for? This is worse than pregnancy brain. 

My well being
I was hoping I'd have the energy to work out at 10PM after my day has ended but I'm too tired.  Sometimes I feel like I'm just barely keeping my head above water!  The only option I have right now is to make better, healthy choices when it comes to what I'm eating.

I think the first year of parenthood puts your marriage through a test.  At the end of the day, it's good to know you have someone on your team and with each fight and resolution, your bond gets stronger and stronger.  You have someone by your side who is just as tired!!

Emily is slowly starting to grasp cause and effect and object permanence.  This makes splashing water during bathtime super fun and she goes after toys I've hidden.  She is still more interested in non-toys such as her wipes container,  plastic bags, and the tv remotes.  Her growing curiosity demands babyproofing SOON!  She's starting to reach out and come to me when someone else is holding her and my heart jumps for joy every single time she does that.  She grins when we meet eyes and when she smiles and kicks her legs in excitement, my heart does cartwheels.  The explosion of laughter from being tickeled is just around the corner and I can't wait until she can say "uhm ma" (mom in Korean)!  She's now on stage 2 solids and loves to eat (like her Mommy) and I'm thinking of introducing the sippy cup with a little juice and water soon. 

I'm in the process of searching for a venue for her 1st birthday and still trying to decide if I want to channel my inner Martha Stewart or have an event planning company plan & set up the dohl table on the day of the party.  In addition to studio photos, I also want to do a cake smash and a family photo shoot.  Sometimes I think dohls are a little over the top for a party a baby won't even remember but I want Emily to appreciate her Korean background and cultural tradition.  She'll enjoy looking at pictures from her dohl when she's older.  Let the planning begin!
I love her chub chub thighs!!! I squeeze them all day long!

Hasta la vista nurse with the needle!

Grandma found a Halloween costume at Costco!  She wasn't too happy about playing dress up

I wonder what this button does?

1 comment:

  1. i'm starting to plan leah's birthday party too and started getting stressed out like i was planning a wedding! i'm looking into event planners so help with it.
