Friday, August 10, 2012

Mommy Inventions

There's no doubt that Moms are incredibly savvy and efficient when it comes to what their children need.  Most of the products available today are products that moms themselves have invented.  Some inventions include:

I need something like this:

These two elements combined for me to wear during feedings.  Emily sometimes likes to blow raspberries with a mouthful of food so I get a splatter of apple or squash.  Combined with her love of throwing, I'm going to be covered in food once she's able to grab food herself.

I also need something like this:

But instead of just butterflies, I'd like a lightweight mobile attached to distract her during diaper changes and bedtime routine.  I should probably get one that lights up as well.  I'm sure the Disney store probably has something silly like that.  Maybe I'll try making a silly one myself?  Another reason to use my glue gun!!

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