Monday, August 6, 2012

Fun Filled Days

Emily has started to enjoy sitting in shopping cart seats and high chairs.  One bottom tooth has broken the gum and is poking out.  Aside from the intense drooling and a little upset stomach, she didn't need any medication or ointment as I was intially prepared for.  Our friend and his daughter stayed with us this weekend and Emily got to watch her first Disney movie: The Little Mermaid.  It was nostalgic watching the movie and singing along.  Last night Emily got to stay up two hours past her bedtime while we went out to dinner and she was happy, even though she seemed to be deliriously tired.  She slept in until 7AM this morning, woohoo!  We've been playing dress up in her tutus that finally fit and she likes to ham it up for the camera!

Too many pictures Mommy.....

Got caught trying to catch a glimpse of her playing in her crib

1 comment:

  1. She's sooo cute in the blue tutu!! When are our girls gonna meet? ;)
