Monday, August 20, 2012

Dream Job

Ever have a moment when you come across something and know that it's perfect for you?  You think to yourself, "THAT is what I want to do!!!!"  My dream job: videographer.  It combines everything I love into one creative outlet.  The adult school by my house offers a two month course and it's very inexpensive but it's during the day.  I wish there was a weekend class for about an hour or so!! Too much to ask for?  I'd love to learn all the tricks of the trade and make videos for extra income.  I'd work on my projects deep into the night because that's when my creativity flows best.  I would love to create fun family videos that we can enjoy for years and years after our kids are all grown.  Last night, I was watching YouTube clips of amazing videos that I'm inspired by.  Adobe photoshop, after effects, final cut, and more!! OMG I would LOOOOOOVE the opportunity to learn it all and create videos that make people feel as if they're being wrapped in a warm blanket of memories!  The creativity is endless!! 

1 comment:

  1. funny you posted this! i was just looking at this website called blogshop that's a beginners class to photoshop they now have a video course. there's one in LA on a thursday and friday. not the weekend, but at least it's not 2 months!
