Monday, August 27, 2012

Fun Weekend

Emily is getting more and more fun by the minute and I absolutely love it.  It makes me miss her SO MUCH while I'm at work.  SO MUCH.  It's hard to explain but sometimes I feel like I'm missing out on her growing up.  Ofcourse I see my baby everyday but because we're apart for the majority of the day, it feels like I haven't seen her in a long time when we get to spend all day together on the weekends.  It's crazy and amazing how fast babies change and develop during their first year.

This weekend, Emily spent time with Grandpa, took two naps on Sunday with me in our bed and had a fun dinner at Red Robin where she got her first balloon.  I had a GNO on Saturday with two of my favorite people and had a blast.  Hubby and Emily had father and daughter bonding time and he said they had a blast!  Hubby got me the macbook yesterday and I wanted to stay up all night messing around with iMovie and getting familiar with my new gadget. 

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