Friday, August 24, 2012

Happy 7 Months Baby!

Emily is seven months today!  Ever so curious and constantly on the go.  Her current favorite toys are Mirae & Minnie's kennel door, air purifier in the living room, the TV console and Mommy's hair.  Her favorite song at the moment is PSY's, "Oppa Gangnam Style."  She is over her cold and her appetite for solids is coming back.  She's having so much fun at daycare and starting to babble different syllables.  We're going to have to buy a convertible carseat soon, maybe two since Hubby drops her off at daycare and I pick her up.  We're still waiting for her hair to grow in! 

I did it! I joined 24Hour Fitness.  Working out and eating healthy starts now!!  9:30PM-11PM is the only time I have to get into shape so here I come!

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