Thursday, August 2, 2012

It's August already?!

Last weekend we had our Han Bros Tae Kwon Do picnic at the park and Emily had tons of fun!  She got her first taste of watermelon and rode the swing.  Sitting up alone is getting much, much easier and she elbow crawls so fast I'm worried about the actual crawling!  She is waking up super early these days (5:00AM) and now prefers to take baths sitting up.  Hand eye coordination is getting better and passing toys from hand to hand is improving.  She currently goes four hours between bottles and eats one veggie and one fruit per day.  I'm planning to make her food once we finish the jars we have so that I can make different veggie and fruit combinations.  The days are going by super fast and I'm starting to plan her 1st birthday party (dohl).

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