Friday, August 31, 2012

Excited for Labor Day Weekend!

Happy Friday!  Emily had a doctor appointment this morning because we were concerned about her coughing in her sleep.  She is on antibiotics for the next ten days and Benadryl for her coughing at night.  She was having so much fun tearing up the paper on the exam bed!

We're so excited for the three day weekend!

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Uni Craving


I must try Cafe Hiro in Cypress! 

Cafe Hiro

MUST try items from their menu.  I'm drooling already.

Uni Spaghetti. UMMM YES PLEASE!

Beef Tataki

Sea Bass on risotto

Sceared scallops on risotto

Not on their menu but am craving squid ink pasta with uni. Heaven on a plate.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Fun Weekend

Emily is getting more and more fun by the minute and I absolutely love it.  It makes me miss her SO MUCH while I'm at work.  SO MUCH.  It's hard to explain but sometimes I feel like I'm missing out on her growing up.  Ofcourse I see my baby everyday but because we're apart for the majority of the day, it feels like I haven't seen her in a long time when we get to spend all day together on the weekends.  It's crazy and amazing how fast babies change and develop during their first year.

This weekend, Emily spent time with Grandpa, took two naps on Sunday with me in our bed and had a fun dinner at Red Robin where she got her first balloon.  I had a GNO on Saturday with two of my favorite people and had a blast.  Hubby and Emily had father and daughter bonding time and he said they had a blast!  Hubby got me the macbook yesterday and I wanted to stay up all night messing around with iMovie and getting familiar with my new gadget. 

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Friday, August 24, 2012

Because dieting makes me hungry...

So I'll just drool over pictures of food

Happy 7 Months Baby!

Emily is seven months today!  Ever so curious and constantly on the go.  Her current favorite toys are Mirae & Minnie's kennel door, air purifier in the living room, the TV console and Mommy's hair.  Her favorite song at the moment is PSY's, "Oppa Gangnam Style."  She is over her cold and her appetite for solids is coming back.  She's having so much fun at daycare and starting to babble different syllables.  We're going to have to buy a convertible carseat soon, maybe two since Hubby drops her off at daycare and I pick her up.  We're still waiting for her hair to grow in! 

I did it! I joined 24Hour Fitness.  Working out and eating healthy starts now!!  9:30PM-11PM is the only time I have to get into shape so here I come!

Tuesday, August 21, 2012


I had to take a picture of this because holy cow, a THREE hour nap!! First time EVER and I missed it!!  Emily doesn't nap too well and she'll sleep an hour at most.  She's usually up in 20-30 minutes per nap.  She was probably exhausted from trying to get over her cold. 

When I got to daycare yesterday I peeked through the door first and saw Emily and her baby friends sitting and laying around, smiling and laughing while one of their caretakers was singing to them.  Emily really likes her teachers and it makes me happy that she's really enjoying daycare. 

Monday, August 20, 2012

Dream Job

Ever have a moment when you come across something and know that it's perfect for you?  You think to yourself, "THAT is what I want to do!!!!"  My dream job: videographer.  It combines everything I love into one creative outlet.  The adult school by my house offers a two month course and it's very inexpensive but it's during the day.  I wish there was a weekend class for about an hour or so!! Too much to ask for?  I'd love to learn all the tricks of the trade and make videos for extra income.  I'd work on my projects deep into the night because that's when my creativity flows best.  I would love to create fun family videos that we can enjoy for years and years after our kids are all grown.  Last night, I was watching YouTube clips of amazing videos that I'm inspired by.  Adobe photoshop, after effects, final cut, and more!! OMG I would LOOOOOOVE the opportunity to learn it all and create videos that make people feel as if they're being wrapped in a warm blanket of memories!  The creativity is endless!! 

Sunday, August 19, 2012


First word???? As soon as Emily started playing with her Daddy today she said it multiple times.  The first time was more like "dee da" and Hubby and I were so surprised!  This is the only time I caught it on video.

Emily is still congested and coughing in her sleep.  She threw up twice in her sleep already because she was coughing so hard, poor thing.  I'm starting to feel a little under the weather so I think I might've caught her cold.  Noooooooo!!!!

I wish weekends were three days long!

Friday, August 17, 2012

First Cold

Emily has been sick for the first time ever.  It's not as bad as I had dreaded but it still makes me sad when I hear her coughing and congested at night.  Poor baby.  She had a high fever on Monday so I stayed home but she was able to go to daycare for the rest of this week.  The only upside is that her immune system is strengthening.  She hasn't been interested in eating her solids this week, proabably because of a sore throat, but she's in good spirits...runny nose and all.

Her growing curiosity is keeping us on our toes!  Babyproofing has begun!!!!

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Hot Weekend!

I hate this weather.  I'd rather have it feel like Fall all year long.  We didn't do much since it was too hot out.  We pretty much stayed home all day. 

Friday, August 10, 2012

Dohl Fever

My inner Martha Stewart is crying out!


This picture inspires me so much!  How cute it Lashinda Demus with her twin boys?  They were shouting, "GO MOMMY" from the stands as she was competing.  It must be an amazing feeling to have your kids cheer you on while you're doing something you've worked so hard for and you're setting a great example for them as well.  It's great motivation for anyone.  I hope someday I can find something I'm that passionate about.  Life is so short and I want to be able to say I've accomplished something that I've poured my heart, blood, sweat and tears into.  I want this for my children as well.

In the spirit of the Olympic games

Office Olympics!!  I've had ALOT of coffee today at work which explains these multiple posts... :) Happy weekend!


I love Halloween!!  All the stores are starting to put out their Halloween merchandise so I'm getting excited for Emily's first Halloween.  I'm probably going to end up getting more than one costume for her since I'm obsessed with baby costumes.  Grandma already got her a costume and we saw a bunch at Babies R Us that I really want.  Last year I was so excited to dress up as bacon and egg with hubby while I was pregnant. 

Or we could always recycle our costumes from last year and dress Emily up as a tater tot!  Or matching bacon & egg!

Baby Bacon!!