Wednesday, January 9, 2013

SAHM: Day 5

Let's see... Being able to snuggle in bed and be lazy with husband and baby in the mornings, cook again and get neglected errands done has been pretty awesome.  The hard work?  Trying to find things to do to keep our little busy bee busy!  I can only go to the mall or Target so often and since Emily now needs more stimulation than people watching from her stroller or cart, I need to find some playdate buddies and a regular indoor playground pronto!  I had lunch with Jess and Steph today and went to My Giggle Place afterwards only to find that they're closed on Tuesdays!  Bummer!  I wish there was a great, clean indoor playground closer to our house.  Emily had a great time with her Aunties today.  We ate sushi in Little Tokyo.  Every time I'm in downtown, I really miss it.  I loved the time I worked there. 

Holy Moly


Being silly and NO those aren't our individual plates as some have assumed!

Emily's first Lette macaron.  Her hair looks so funny.

She loves this thing lately

Emily has been a picky eater lately and it all depends on her mood.  She's been getting a kick out of feeding the dogs whatever she doesn't want and the dogs love it!

She's also getting a teeny bit less fearful of trying to walk.  I think she'll be crawling for awhile.  I was a very late walker.  

She is getting more clingy to me and it will probably get worse before it gets better now that we're together all day, every day.  When she gets tired, she wants to be held and I do love though how she hugs me back, rests her head on my shoulder and wants to snuggle.  Ahhhh bliss!

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