Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Dinner Party (NBR)

This post is NBR = not baby related.  A term I picked up on The Bump.  The moms on these forums talk in code.  I spent a lot of time trying to decipher the posts in the 0-3 months forum during the wee morning hours of Emily's newborn days.

I'm in the mood for a dinner party.  An adults only, fancy shmancy pants, classy dinner party with sexy, sophisticated food and ah-mazing wine and cocktails that will have me talking for weeks.  Maybe I've been watching too much RHOBH (guilty pleasure) and the food network.  I've been thinking so much about baby friendly foods lately that I'm starting to fantasize about oysters, caviar, lobster, uni pasta and mind blowing wine (I'm a BIG seafood fan).  I want to put on some fake lashes, fabulous sparkly earrings, a nice dress (stretchy of course) and have an amazing meal with my amazing hubby, amazing friends and talk about things other than naps, tantrums and babyproofing. 

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