Thursday, January 10, 2013

11 month update

I cannot believe Emily is turning the big ONE in exactly two weeks.  I'm in full on dohl planning mode lately and hopefully the party doesn't end up looking like a Pinterest fail.  Emily has been very verbal lately and speaking lots and lots of baby gibberish.  She tries to express what she wants in the form of half gibberish/half whiny baby grunts.  She understands "no" and knows certain things are off limits but will test Daddy, especially when it comes to playing the dogs' water bowl.  She has her own specific routines when it comes to her toys and things around the house she wants to play with.  She gravitates towards anything blue and only presses the number 9 on her activity cube she got from her uncle Billy for Christmas, also blue.  She is just a bundle of surprises lately and has made me laugh so hard I almost peed on many occasions.  She started torpedo crawling lately and will clasp her hands together and use only her legs to dart across the living room and is cruising a lot more than the previous day.  My mom and I took her to the indoor playground today and she had a great time trying to play with the older kids.

Who needs a shredder when you have a curious 11 month old

Exercising her independence already

Forget the spoon.  Hunger wins.

Watching the big kids play
I took lots of videos today since my Mom was with me.  I hope you enjoy your virtual playdate with Emily :)

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