Saturday, January 26, 2013

My new full time job

I've always loved cooking and anything food related.  I follow Hellobee religiously and get so inspired by Bee's bentos.  They're amazing and I've always loved bento boxes myself.  Now that Emily is one, I'm excited to start cooking with more variety in her menu.  It's very time consuming to cook/prepare Emily's breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks, get her to try to eat it and then clean up said breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks if the dogs haven't done so already.  It's my new full time job! 

I love watching the food network channel and get so inspired by all of the different chefs, although I could do without the recent scripted drama of restaurant stakeout shows.  They should have a cooking for kids show! 

Here are a few pics of the amazing bentos I love from Hellobee:





Here's a great start entry with tips.  I really enjoy browsing her pictures and always get new ideas for Emily. 

I hear from mommy friends with older kids that it is very stressful when their kids don't eat.  I can relate a little bit since Emily has her days when she throws almost everything on the floor and just doesn't seem interested.  Lately her favorite foods are cheese, yogurt, bread, peas, soup and pears.

Emily started getting a fever in the late afternoon and spit up a few times.  I think it might be teething and hope it isn't the stomach virus again.  Poor baby.

Snuggling with Daddy for some TLC

Our baby sleeping in the position she finds most comforting <3

Pictures from yesterday:


Doggies hoping Emily will share

Playdate at David's!  Not a happy camper in this picture

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