Thursday, January 17, 2013


We got really lucky with Emily's sleep and she started sleeping through the night at around four months.  Sleep training wasn't as difficult as I was anticipating and she was really great about falling asleep on her own, in her crib.  As her first birthday fast approaches, the sleep training went out the window and we're co-sleeping to get her to fall asleep before moving her to her crib.  Why the back tracking?  Because of ME!  Somewhere along the line of being a busy working mama, I started missing Emily SO MUCH that I wanted her to fall asleep next to me so the co-(fall asleep)sleeping started!  I don't mind it at all but I know it's not good for her sleep habits.  Still, I can't stop.  I just love having her fall asleep with me.  Now that I'm not working anymore I figure we should start crib training again and have her be OK with it.  It's going to be hardest on me though since I cherish bedtime with her.

Got a hold of a pen and drew on herself

Naptime with Mommy

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