Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Working Mom Day 3

Oh, what the heck.  I might as well make the best of the situation and dance in the rain right?  Everyone says it'll get easier and I trust that it will.  It's been great catching up with my friends at work and it's nice to sit down and have a meal from start to finish.  It also feels great to wear normal clothes and put makeup on again.  I'm slowly getting caught up with my work but I find myself suddenly missing Emily like crazy during the middle of an email or halfway through a project.  I have to remind myself to snap out of it and pull it together. 

She's happy when I pick her up and gives Miss Varsha the biggest smile when she hears, "See you tomorrow Emily!"  It warms my heart.

The little time I have with her before and after work is so precious to me.  I'm happy Emily and Hubby get father & daughter time too before he drops her off. 

She'll be six months next week, can you believe it?  Crawling is the norm now, she's trying to sit up by herself and enjoys throwing toys.  The fun is just about to start...

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