Thursday, July 5, 2012

I can't believe it's July!!!!

I need to freeze time, quick!  Emily enjoyed her first swim last week, Hubby and I made a 36 hour trip to Vegas and Emily is so, so active lately.  I've been getting a bit lazy with taking pictures and blogging because I'm SO tired from trying to keep up with everything lately. 

Emily is now in her own crib in her own room.  It literally seems like yesterday she was a newborn, up every two hours and snuggling in bed with us.  She is belly crawling and constantly wants to move around, is now enjoying fruits and still laughs at the dogs.  She's starting her practice days for daycare on Wednesday (the practice days are mostly for me) and I go back to work soon.  My stomach is in knots and I get a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach every time I think about being away from Emily everyday. 

Emily was great with Grandma during our short, but sweet, trip to Vegas.  I don't know why I'm so in love with Vegas.  I'm not even a hard core gambler or anything.  I guess I just love the spontaneity that only Vegas can bring.  The food, drinks, hotels, people...ahhhh Vegas~ 

I swore I'd never drive to Vegas again but with the timing of our trip we had to.  It was fun though, taking a road trip with Hubby.  This is when the excitement starts to build...

We're here!! I've been here 10+ times and yet I still get happy!!

I miss you already
I saw ALOT of kids, babies and strollers this time around.  They've always been there actually but it catches my eye more often now.  I wouldn't mind taking a family trip when our kids are older.  A nice family friendly suite and fun time by the pool. 

Also recently, a night out with Jess.  Love. 

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