Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Last (Tues)day out with Mommy & Grandma

Emily starts daycare tomorrow (I'm still holding back tears)!  This week is just a practice run so she won't be staying the entire day but I hope it'll be a good chance for her to become familiar with her new caretakers, friends, surroundings and daycare crib.  My mom has been visiting every Tuesday on her day off since Emily was born and today was our last day together.  Man, time flies QUICK!

This week in pictures

Everyone is right.  Babies grow up FAST.  These days, I'm constantly rearranging Emily's room, packing away outgrown clothes, getting new toys and celebrating each new milestone.

Her room went from baby stuff construction zone to an actual baby room so quickly. 

I bought this sleep onsie awhile back thinking, "this is SO big and it's going to be forever until she fits into it."  She wore them to bed today.  That's her, "Please, I don't want to sleep yet" expression. 

I've been on this fresh smoothie, green juice craze lately.  I figure, if I can't work out just yet I might as well eat healthy.  I also want us to be as healthy as we can be since we're parents now.  I'm still on the fence about making all of Emily's food with the amazing food processor my mom got us because I don't want to set too many expecations for myself and drive myself crazy when I'm back at work.

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