Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Emily's first day at daycare

I woke up this morning super nervous.  We dropped Emily off around 11AM.  She smiled at her caretaker and didn't cry when we left.  I, on the other hand, lost it when we closed the door.  Walking away from our baby and leaving her there was the hardest thing I've done in a long time.  I cried all the way to the car and in the car as we left.  I cried some more at home, got myself together and spent the next few hours running errands but felt like a walking zombie.  It was nearly impossible to concentrate on grocery shopping and I held back tears when I saw mothers with their babies.  My mind was still at daycare with Emily.

I picked her up at 4PM and the caretaker told me Emily was such a good baby.  She finished her bottle, took a 10 min nap (boo) at noon and an hour and fifteen minute nap around 2PM (yay).  She played with the other babies during tummy time and they all took a stroller ride in the play area.  I know she is going to thrive at daycare and it will help with her social skills but I still get sad thinking about the hours of her baby days I'm going to miss while I'm at work.  They're only this little once.  She's hitting so many new milestones everyday that the thought of missing out breaks my heart.

I'm going to have to try my best to take comfort and trust in this decision that is best for our family right now.

With Miss Varsha before we left

I got so hysterical at one point that our crazy dogs hid in their house...

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