Friday, July 13, 2012

Last official day of maternity leave

The day has finally come.  My maternity leave is officially over and I go back to work on Monday.  I was lucky enough to have so much time off to be with Emily but it sure did go by fast!  Today was Emily's third day of daycare and it went ok.  She cried a little yesterday and today I got a call from the assistant director around 2PM to let me know that she had cried for awhile and threw up her bottle she had eaten 30 minutes prior.  If baby throws up more than once they ask you to come pick up your baby just in case she could be getting sick.  I instantly broke down after the call and sobbed again for Emily (cry baby first time mama).  I went to go pick her up shortly after but she was ok when I got there so I decided to come back in a few hours. 

It'll take some time for both Emily and I to be ok and happy with daycare (more for me).  She plays with the other babies well but constantly wants to be held.  My head tells me it'll be fine but my heart still aches.  Everyday they provide a detailed outline of Emily's bottles, naps, diapers and other activities.  I appreciate the detailed communication of her day but I'll probably break down and cry again when I have to read about the first time she sat up by herself or really crawled instead of being there myself and cheering her on. 

I'm trying my best to stay positive and appreciate all the pros of sending Emily to daycare.  She'll develop good social skills, it will ease separation/stranger anxiety, and she'll learn to sleep through noise.

She's getting better and better at belly crawling and can do a full lap around her playmat.  She can turn and belly crawl in the direction she wants, usually to a toy, and then rolls over when she gets tired.  She's interested in the colors of her playmat more than any toy right now and still loves to stare at her boppy pillow.  Out of all the solids she's eaten, banana is her favorite because she yells for more and eagerly waits for the next spoonful.  Bedtime is still 6:30-7:00PM and she wakes up anywhere from 5:45-6:30AM but plays in her crib until 7AM.  I wanted her to get used to playing by herself for a bit and going back to sleep if needed, so I stopped getting her right when she woke up.  This past week she babbled and played in the morning for 30 minutes and was all smiles when I went in at 7AM.  She's doing amazing in her own room and crib.

Practicing sitting up at daycare

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